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Ashley Ishibashi

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I am a health conscious holistic health coach with a thirst for learning about the body and how it can run most efficiently. I tie in aspects of eastern and western approaches to health and nutrition to encompass a well rounded holistic approach to the body. In my free time I love to be workout, teach yoga, hike, and create alternative recipes to foods I love! I have a passion for learning when it comes to health and nutrition. I believe that many chronic diseases are stemmed from lifestyle, and I wish to share the information I know to help others, as well as learn as much as I can to further enrich my knowledge.

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Did you know certain foods can cause increased bodily inflammation? Nourish your body with kinder and cleaner non-processed foods such as dark leafy greens, superfoods, fruits, root vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains, and healthy oils.

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