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Toxic Nonprofit: Children's Craniofacial Association and The Retreat

The things that go on behind closed doors of this organization are nothing short of atrocious. They even went out of their way to have my Facebook review removed, so I resorted to sharing my experiences in a blog post instead.


As a token of proof, please see all of the screenshots from e-mails, text messages, and Facebook proving how hard I worked for this organization. The screenshots include messages and posts involving CCA Speaker Advocate Rasheera Dopson as well. 



The Children's Craniofacial Association was originally founded by Actress Cher. After my time there, I learned that this is a dangerous place for children and adults. 


Craniofacial adults are conditioned to guerrilla fundraise using their narrative based on the movie and script from Wonder.




Included in this movie's budget they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to put makeup on actor Jacob Tremblay instead of hiring a real actor with Treacher Collins Syndrome. 


The world would agree that the storyline of the movie 'Wonder' is a far illusion from the terrors we actually deal with. You can read more in my viral post via The Mighty.


In the case of The Children's Craniofacial Association, donating your time to fundraise, gifting a car, or goods, or even offering your inheritance will, is not something that will save lives. Non-profit is not always not-for-profit, in the corporate world there lies greed.


I spent over $20K towards fundraising efforts, I never wanted to be paid for my time. But I spent thousands of hours driving, flying, outreaching, and recruiting. I did it because I believed in the mission of uniting people with craniofacial disabilities.


The fundraising techniques of this organization, in my opinion, are exploitative and invasive. Be aware of potential gaslighting, discrimination, conditioning, suppression, and even cult-like activities. For years I've been warned by individuals and other NPO organizations. I could never see through the red tape.


The Children's Craniofacial Association used me and then completely Gaslighted me to follow their terms of advocacy.


I couldn't voice my own opinion about my own condition unless they approved the narrative. I had to refer to my condition as a 'difference', not a 'disability', I was warned several times.


At the annual retreat events during seminars where I'd stand up to speak and go on the microphone and then was spoken over by Erica, this was also a form of gaslighting.


I introduced Jono Lancaster to the CCA team; initially, he was unsure about becoming involved in the events, but then he soon became the face of them thanks to my recruiting efforts.


All the while, in the background, Jono informs me and others that his public story with the love of his life is just a story based on publicity.  At the events, he made intimate connections and informed them that he was not in a current relationship.


I worked so hard for CCA I even hosted a wrestling charity event in San Jose 2015. Robert Butch Haugh, Owner of Wrestling for Charity teamed up with us for this event to shed light on people living with craniofacial differences.


CCA's executive Erica Mossholder Crabtree Klauber attended and supported the event with her presence until I introduced her to a family with a severely deformed young girl.



I could instantly sense Erica's eagerness to get in good graces with the family so that she could recruit their daughter to become the new face of the CCA organization to garner more public support and donations.


Instead of thanking the event sponsors that paid money and dedicated time and efforts for the event, Erica ran out chasing after the family jumping into their vehicle. As she was rushing away from me, I could see her hands trembling as she anxiously tried opening the car door handle until it was unlocked.


This was the most awkward situation and I didn't understand what was taking place in front of my eyes. It became clear when realizing what a new dramatic face of the CCA organization could do as for increased donations.


I was devastated and embarrassed to have witnessed our event sponsors treated that way.


The family is good friends of the event sponsors, so we all warned them after the event. If only Erica had stayed to support and express her thanks, things may have turned differently. I am grateful that their family was not victimized and for things happening the way that they did. 


I was intimately involved with the annual retreats. I networked with celebrities and recommended the retreat talent show to be reinstated. I retained several forms of donations and sponsorships. 


I found people with severe disabilities and unknowingly handed them over as a cash cow for them to profit from social campaigning. I thought I was helping and didn't know any better at the time.


CCA never publicly thanked me for any of my work ever, they never highlighted me in one of their newsletters either.


One time, I came across a very suspicious, dangerous man during the 2018 Utah Retreat who told me he was just released from Prison. I didn't understand why he was in the area where the dance was being held. It turned out another attending retreat member invited him.


This concerned me that there is no security during events, I made the recommendation to Erica to include it in the budget but it was dismissed. It still baffles me how young children are roaming around freely inside and outside of a hotel during the dinner parties with no security.


CCA has gutsy fundraising techniques and they won't hesitate to collect cars and even child death wills as a form of donation.


Since they are funded by big pharma, they had to act fast to get rid of me. CCA didn't appreciate that I became empowered to self-heal myself using whole foods and herbal remedies. They hated my vegan lifestyle and didn't support my healing journey at all.


Also, CCA didn't like me speaking out against the movie 'Wonder' and calling them out for not using a real person born with Treacher Collins Syndrome in the film.


There are also quizzes to pass if you want to be a speaker, so if you don't have fundraising capacities or if you don't glorify the fictional movie "wonder" you will likely be denied. There is also a quiz for adults to enter the retreats now; some craniofacial adults that have attended since the beginning 30 years ago are now terrified that they will be denied for the upcoming retreats.


I went through the Speakers' Bureau process and was denied and rejected by Khadija Moten on the basis I didn't pass the testing. This baffled me, considering that I held a Bachelor's and a Master's Degree in Psychology at the time. Today, I have a second Master's in Public Health, and now I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Business Marketing. 


Rasheera Dopson was one of my best friends (or so I thought) who I worked side by side with; I helped her with her speaking events, I traveled with her, and I went on a road trip with her; this is someone who followed in my footsteps to get a Master's in Public Health. I trusted her, and I never knew she was in the background working against me. 


Again, as a token of proof, please see all of the screenshots from e-mails, text messages, and Facebook proving how hard I worked for this organization. The screenshots include messages and posts involving CCA Speaker Advocate Rasheera Dopson as well. 


I didn't know jealously, and envy was so apparent in our relationship.




What happened and why? I cried when reading her book at the 2019 retreat, literally tears! I was so proud of her. I told her she is an amazing advocate for colored women with disabilities. I have heard her use the term colored and black, but I was simply unaware that it was not acceptable in the public eye for me as a white woman to say.


I meant no harm by my statement, and I would have done better if she had educated me. Five days after the retreat, Rasheera threw me away like a piece of trash, teamed up with CCA, and told them I was a racist.


Two fellow craniofacial friends that were there didn't have my back, although they knew the truth. Everyone that knows me knows that I'm the last to judge anyone on those disgusting terms. This was the biggest betrayal.


I was so angered that I called Rasheera Dopson out for her lies, and I said her actions demonstrated vast mental illness and ignorance because I loved her as a friend, and I didn't deserve this. In the space of advocacy, it was her way of dimming my light to make hers brighter. 


CCA never banned me from their group, but they took Rasheera's side, and they said I demeaned her by calling her "an egotistical self-absorbed liability with impulse issues." I called her this after she made the accusation that I was racist. Who wouldn't be pissed? I was disregarded for being human by someone who I thought was my friend.


After this false allegation was made about my character by Rasheera Dopson, CCA sent both parties an email requesting private emails unrelated to them or retreats, which is a violation of our 4th amendment rights. Instead of encouraging both parties to work it out sensibly, they completely escalated the situation, which has caused emotional harm and is utterly inappropriate. 


Rasheera's Facebook profile and her groups clearly demonstrate her political agenda and views; I need not say more.


This whole situation broke my heart. As soon as CCA used me up, I was discarded. It hurt me more than anything. I lost friends and a community. If this happened to me, it could happen to you too.


I was Gaslighted, used, then shunned.


So you won't see me at any future CCA events, and this is why.


I've received hundreds of messages about my public reviews, and so posting this is easier than responding to each one of them. I want to move on from this.


I am still working on craniofacial advocacy in many upcoming projects, including recruiting disabled models on the runway with me at the celebrity events Kiss the Monkeys.


I am proud of who I am and how far I have made it.


Thank you so much for your kindness and understanding.




If this organization has harmed you, I highly suggest collecting images, documents, and text messages. I have kept everything. Other previous members and I are building a case to safeguard families from being victimized and used for exploitation and fundraising.

I'm not the only one who stepped away from CCA. Please protect your children and yourselves as adults. You can advocate outside of this organization. You want your children to grow up happy, healthy, and aware, not dependent as adults on our elders or healthcare systems.


DISCLAIMER: I have 20+ years of experience in law; while I am not a lawyer, this information is based on personal experience and learnings. It is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have specific questions, be sure to consult a qualified legal professional. Furthermore, I welcome CCA or Rasheera to contest what I have said in my blog; it has been nothing but the truth. I have shared this information to protect others like me who may be targeted and victimized. If I was not a strong individual, I could have committed suicide because I was so affected by this experience. At one time, CCA meant everything to me, and then it was ripped away. I have kept all of the evidence and have provided it to the public. I disclaim or deny liability for the content published on this blog.


To learn more about my advocacy efforts and to discuss collaborative options for supporting this event, please contact Cynthia Murphy at cynthia@assuaged.com.



To date, Cynthia and Thane Murphy of Assuaged.com have donated 4 brand new Cochlear™ Baha Power devices with accessories (valued at $7,000 each) to three craniofacial families denied by medical insurance. Read the full story here.


Cynthia is an advocate for an organic plant-based lifestyle because she and her husband reversed chronic disease achieving optimal health. After having 16 reconstructive plastic surgeries, including a major jaw operation, Cynthia has not needed surgery since her last procedure in 2013.


In honor of National Cleft and Craniofacial Awareness Month, she and fellow advocates created the hashtag #BraveFaces, a video campaign on Facebook celebrating the unique beauty and individuality of people born with craniofacial conditions.


As a research and event volunteer, she collaborates with others striving to bring awareness, like Dr. Justine Lee of UCLA’s Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Murphy will lend her support to the annual UCLA Craniofacial Picnic, at the campus Sunset Canyon Recreation Center on July 27th, 2019 from 1 to 4pm.


The annual UCLA craniofacial picnic is a free event for children with congenital craniofacial conditions and their families and is filled with games, food and fun.

Assuaged Seeking Partnerships for Annual Craniofacial Wellness Retreat



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