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Ten Steps to Start Strengthening Spirituality


Theory of Self-Actualization for the general public. This theory, complemented by Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is a 5 tier pyramid that illustrates the various levels of spiritual awareness. The hierarchy breaks down human needs prioritizing self-actualization located at the top and physiological needs located at the bottom.


This pyramid determines that the needs at the bottom of the pyramid are more significant than the ones on top. This theory involves five requirements, which are physiological needs, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

The needs of self-actualization are broken down into four different parts entailing categories of cognitive, aesthetic, self-actualization, and self-transcendence.


Ten Steps to Strengthen Spirituality


Step one: Engage in health-conscious practices.


Start by consuming organic plant-based foods, especially including fruits and vegetables, to aid in physical and mental health to allow the human body to thrive. When the body absorbs inorganic foods, it does not recognize any nutrition, so it signals out for more to fulfill its needs, which also obstructs the path to obtaining spirituality.


When you are consuming processed inorganic foods, your body is running on unnatural chemical compounds inducing physical and emotional imbalance. This concept follows blue zone methods by practicing treating your body like a temple.


Being health-conscious as to what you put inside your body is incredibly vital for spirituality. There are only five blue zone geographical areas in the world and only one in the United States.


Research studies and several news reports have established that blue zone residents maintain excellent health and live past the age of one hundred. When the physical body is healthy, the mind is healthy, which aids in strengthening spirituality.


Step two: Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water daily.


This is to hydrate your body and aid in regularity. The human body loses water through sweating, breathing, and digestion. Furthermore, water conducts metaphysical energy and is very transformable. Water can also be consumed in herbal tea blends and vegetable stock, which is more nutritious and healing for the body.


Step three: Engage in daily breathing exercises.


Try slowly inhaling and exhaling long and deep breaths to heal your body and mind. Focusing on expanding and clearing your lungs by inhaling and exhaling refreshes and clears the body physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


Man Deep Breathing and Clearing Mind Man Deep Breathing and Clearing Mind Ten Steps to Start Strengthening Spirituality


Step four: Seek love and belonging through means of meaningful relationships.


This starts with your like-minded friends and family members. Surround yourself with individuals who motivate you and support you in reaching your goals. This love allows us to feel safe and not isolated, therefore aiding in a more reliable spiritual connection.


Step five: Engage in daily physical exercise for at least 20 minutes.


Scientific evidence has established that a healthy and active lifestyle largely contributes to inner fulfillment. By encouraging release of positive chemical reactions in the body, conscious movement and activity exercises the body and the mind. 


Step six: Engage in meditation practices every day for at least thirty minutes.


These practices have been utilized for centuries in efforts to calm and heal physical, emotional, and mental stresses. This allows one to experience other states of consciousness, ultimately reaching self-realization.


Meditation is a passive process that involves the action of stillness by emptying the clutter from your mind and preoccupation of all thoughts and feelings. Furthermore, meditation practices allow you to access the subconscious mind that eventually opens the door to inner wisdom.


Step seven: Listen to inspirational and vibrational music daily.


This includes chants, mantras, and frequency music. Use essential oils or burn sages during these practices to purify yourself and clear any negative energies. Listening to mantras and using aromatic agents consistently helps to change your mood to positive and enhances psychical progress.




Step eight: Express vulnerability with yourself and to others.


By practicing vulnerability, you are expressing empathy, accountability, joy, and courage. Life is enhanced and more meaningful when experienced with greater clarity and increased transcendent growth.


Step nine: Practice affirmations on what you want, release thoughts of what you don't want.


Act authentically and with integrity in both your thoughts and actions in a positive manner. Be honest with yourself and analyze your thoughts. If negative thinking in noticed in mind, replace it with a positive view. Label and categorize ideas, people, and situations, but do not judge.


Use affirmations along with the power of optimism to allow more light into your mind and heart, aiding in more substantial spiritual growth. Reveal your authenticity in your everyday actions and speak honestly from the heart. Affirm your desires and show others that you care by being thoughtful in your efforts.


Step ten: Surrender ego defenses.


It is essential to release and let go of problematic defense mechanisms. Take responsibility for the hardships you have experienced in your life and take ownership of your feelings. Express yourself authentically internally and externally.


Change your reactions to stressful situations to positive ones instead of allowing yourself to react in anger towards unpleasant situations. Endure the experience without adding or subtracting and accept what has happened and recognize the life lessons that it may entail. This is an integral part of becoming self-actualized.


As individuals experience life while following this path, they are more serving and selfless towards others. Our physiological needs involve short-term essentials, such as breathing, drinking, eating, and sexual activity.


If these needs go unmet, then they will naturally be pursued until they are. This first step motivates our behavior and, once accomplished, allows us to move on up to the next tier. Ultimately the top of self-actualization is reached, which is the highest level of personal development and spiritual enlightenment. 


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Thane Murphy

Thane Murphy

Thane is a disabled USMC veteran who suffers from PTSD incurred by a severe Traumatic-Brain Injury during his service. He’s experienced invasive and debilitating skin rashes since childhood and was diagnosed severely obese and pre-diabetic. Since then, he’s found a cure through diet and nutrition. Thane graduated Summa Cum Laude from Purdue University, specializing in Nutrition and Holistic Medicine.

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