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What is Fast Food Genocide?


We are facing a tragic and unprecedented destruction of human lives in the United States and much of the developed world. Processed, fake, and fast foods have become the primary source of calories in this country, and they’re on track to become the same in other countries.

This attachment to fast food, in the place of natural foods and fresh produce, is moving us toward widespread chronic disease, mental illness, and shortened life spans. Fast foods damage our genes, meaning damage that will accelerate in future generations.

These “Frankenfoods”—unnatural, human-made, processed fast foods—destroy life with frightening efficiency, and this damage is getting worse. The food industry has evolved to the point that it can feed the majority of our citizens efficiently, with mass-marketed, factory-produced foods that do not have the biological and chemical properties of natural produce.

The result is the destruction of human potential, along with an explosion of chronic illness, human suffering, and the premature death of millions. It is estimated by scientific studies that urban areas, with lack of access to produce, suffer with as much as 35 years of potential life lost.

Processed, fake, and fast foods have become the primary source of calories in this country.

Multiple factors combine to remove choice from the equation, leaving many in peril, including:

Cheap, tasty and highly addictive

Food companies have developed ways to feed a great many people with highly processed, toxic and highly addictive foods. These foods are designed to hook us and impair our taste buds in the process.

Food desserts

Despite the wealth of the nation, many people live in parts of the county where fresh ingredients are difficult to get. When healthy foods are simply out of reach, individuals have no opportunity to make informed choices about what they eat.

Quick-fix “solutions”

The medical establishment offers quick-fix surgery or a lifetime supply of pills in place of the right food that can reverse and prevent disease and save millions of lives from medical tragedy and premature death. The harm of these medical interventions is glossed over, and the benefits are exaggerated, while this costly and tragic food-induced health-care crisis continues to grow.Diet. young pretty woman refuse fried chicken, junk food or unhealthy food and eating fresh vegetables salad for good health at home, weight loss, healthy lifestyle, healthy food and dieting Assuaged

Minimizing the consequences of “Frankenfoods”

Last but not least, the idea that unhealthy food leads only to weight gain and not unhappiness, chronic disease, brain damage and death remains a pervasive myth that permeates society. We need to make clear that the issues are far more than just about waistlines; this is about destruction of human lives.

Despite the tremendous evidence coming from the worlds of nutritional and social sciences, these “Frankenfoods” continue to destroy the fiber of our society, creating new social problems and damaging the health and happiness of a large proportion of our population. Modern science reveals that this pervasive and serious damage to our health can even damage our genes, resulting in severe harm—and impaired brains—being passed on to future generations.

Devastating health and social consequences

Most health problems facing Americans today are the direct consequence of Frankenfoods. Heart attacks, strokes, adult and childhood cancers, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, allergies, and autoimmune diseases all have their basis in the common dietary practices that are ubiquitous across the United States.

According to studies, our diet, not just during pregnancy, but even before conception, has profound effects in determining the health, intelligence, and immune systems of our children.

Heart attacks, strokes, adult and childhood cancers, ADHD, autism, allergies, and autoimmune diseases all have their basis in diet.

It is widely accepted that mental illness, antisocial behavior, reduced intelligence, and most life-altering chronic diseases are primarily genetic; that is, they are not the result of dangerous foods. But this assumption is dead wrong. Further, this false belief perpetuates bigotry, contempt, and a growing, but generally ignored atrocity occurring right under our noses in urban communities.

There is a clear solution

Many people think the problem is that Americans are overeating. But the real problem is that Americans are eating the wrong things. Unhealthy foods alter our brains in ways that make us emotionally attached to the very foods that are doing us the most harm.

This message might be hard to swallow, but many people have already heeded the call and have changed the way that they eat. As a result, they have resolved their desire to overeat and, with time, have retrained their palates to prefer the flavors of healthy food choices. The outcome is not just weight loss, but recovery from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, headaches, acne, fatigue, and excessive menstrual bleeding and cramps. They have also tremendously improved their emotional outlook on life.

Thousands have reported that the “fog” clouding their thoughts has lifted; they are no longer depressed and feel newly excited about life and their future.

The ideas in Fast Food Genocide have been distilled from years of scientific research, and this critical information calls for widespread awareness and action. I encourage you to study this problem carefully, because greater knowledge can lead to a solution: a solution to your personal health issues and a solution for our society.

Food can destroy the world, but food can also heal it. The change starts with you.

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Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, six-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. He is the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation and on the faculty of Northern Arizona University, Health Sciences division. Dr. Fuhrman coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe a nutrient-dense eating style, designed to prevent cancer, slow aging, and extend lifespan.

Ignoring Your Health Is Just As Bad As Ignoring Your Mother

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