What would happen if most of life’s demands ceased and everything slowed nearly to a complete halt? During pivotal times like the present, state of mind can make or break a situation. There are people on both extremes sides of the spectrum and everywhere in between.
The coronavirus is currently bringing the world to a near standstill leaves a plentitude of viewpoints to take the stance on and experience. While the ones who are negatively affected due to health conditions and drastically interrupted lifestyles require assistance and understanding, the remaining population is acting on preventative measures to a growing world need not be in a state of fear or anxiety. Blessings come in many guises, and here plenty is lying just beneath the surface, occurring on a scale larger than where our current attention is focused.
Life has a way of working itself out and healing naturally. Wildfires burn and destroy all life attached to the ground, running animals, and often people from their homes, leaving a dreadfully eerie sight behind in its place. Tsunamis and hurricanes come and wipe out coastlines in utter destruction, and approaches some full force within what seems only seconds.
Tornadoes, volcanoes, earthquakes, so many factors of mother nature wreak havoc again and again, yet we always recoup and recover. The smallest scratch on the body immediately starts to mend itself without any conscious effort. In these happenings, people naturally come together and make things happen, find solutions. Similar events take place in the body; cells start to organize and work together to repair the damage.
Think of the world as the human body and the planet’s population as cells. The continents can represent vital organs, and the waters of the earth are the vital bodily fluids that keep the vessel alive. The cells of the body need to be in harmony and clear communication with each other.
Organized and clear signal transmissions allow the organs to know everything is well, and all work together to keep the overall environment of the body in balance. If cells give false signals, lose communication, or particular areas start retaliating against each other, these miscommunications can transform into auto-immune disease or even cancer.
Similar to the human population Earth. Slews of pollution, defacing the land, depleting natural resources, unmitigated disregard of the oceans, discounting value of other living beings and unmitigated disconnect all compare to filling the treatment of the human body.
Consuming processed, unhealthy food and drink, using toxic products on our bodies and in our homes, substance abuse, over-stressing and neglectfulness, even watching negative or mindless entertainment all have harmful effects within. Neglecting negative emotion, treating one another unequally, and not providing self-love and appreciation are all often internal patterns that get reflected outwardly towards the world.
Now is a time, not to fear about controlling these changes, but to realize all life is intricately connected and how fragile the present moment truly is. We go to bed each night, assuming the next day to be more of the same. Life can transform in the blink of an eye. If space and resources are available to have a backup food and restroom supply stocked away for emergencies, then it is a very smart practice to follow. Still, the foundation of resourcefulness lies within adaptability and clear thinking.
One major factor about the human race and natural disaster is the ability to respond. We come together and help one another get back on our feet and function again, just like cells of the body. All don’t rush to the newest encounter; cells stay within their community and work together while staying in communication. If every individual reacted to every other cell in the body, nothing could function. It is the individual’s responsibility to stay tuned on what is most useful and rational within the near vicinity.
Presently, the coronavirus itself is not the disaster, and the actions taken are precautionary to avoid a crisis on a global scale that would overwhelm the healthcare systems. While this makes sense given the dependency on the medical industry, this could be a time to hone in on something else, within ourselves.
Despite the contrast of those on the negative side of the spectrum, the fact that the coronavirus is a world-wide epidemic, yet not destroying the human race, should bring a wave of newfound gratitude and appreciation for the opportunity we’ve received.
Yes, life has changed entirely for most in the past two weeks all over the world, but we are still in a preventative state. The majority are being told slow activity and wait while creating a solution for those susceptible and whose lives are at risk.
Is this not related to a meditation session? To stop and slow movement, to clear a space for a solution to arise? So many have been told to stay indoors, not go out to eat, shop, seek entertainment, or travel in general. All the while, the media is full of news and updates that seem inescapable.
The solution? Turn it off, take a break.
All those stresses broadcasted out to carry those frequencies right into the ears and react with the cells, which signal specific chemical reactions that, in turn, create a new broadcast through the body. If a multitude of fading or weaker cells is all destroyed at once, the body will have a challenging time maintaining that crisis while also tending to other necessary processes simultaneously. These present requests are a form of preventative maintenance.
So take this time to go within, be grateful for the present. Think not how to better stock and prepare for the next emergency, but how to live better and what changes to make now so this isn't as drastically disruptive to the psyche next time. After setting aside the daily hustle, the job title, the exercise routine, the after-work hangout, and all that’s left standing is the self, what is essential?
Take note of the things that are most missed or worried about losing, and some time to look into them and why they carry the weight of importance that they do. Try to remember not to take these matters for granted when this situation begins to lighten up again. Challenges arise in life, and as the human race, we overcome, learn, and improve. It’s time to realize this planet functions as a whole. The more of us who live in tune with that belief, the healthier we will all be.