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The Power of Advocacy, and Impact on Health and Wellness


America spends 3.5 trillion dollars annually on preventable illnesses making it grossly visible that unhealthy habits cost our lives and cause a societal burden. At pivotal times as the present, it is essential to provide direction for state and local wellness initiatives, recognize the best performers and front-runners, identify and set priorities, and develop graspable health objectives

One of our strategies to engage our community and encourage them to show up for our cause is by providing them with valuable educational resources and certifications, access to in-house knowledge, connection to celebrity resources, and the most important thing of all, exclusivity and involvement.  


We take immense efforts by investing in educating people about lifestyles and wellness in non-intimidating and non-judgmental manners. Our contributors are a vital part of building an interactive community that understands and believes in the Assuaged mission. Therefore, this provides a foundation for addressing problems and creating solutions, forming an aligning team to formulate effective strategies and drive these missions home.


Public health (another root of Assuaged), also requires several strategic processes to aid in improved population healthcare statistics successfully. One essential strategy that may be most effective is to include community members in the internal processes of public health (PH) initiatives, development, and management. This realm of advocacy represents movements in support of a particular issue or cause.


Advocacy is a critical component of a public health professional's job as it involves a great deal of responsibility to objectively examine and understand individual perceptions as to how to approach public health services or policy programs. These specialists advocate for interventions, policies, and programs in efforts to influence program implementation and policy changes to help advance the well-being of suffering communities.

People with signs and questions

Being experts in the field of health, attitude, and behaviors this warrants them to provide reliable forms of expertise to policymakers. Policy changes are attained by producing reformation of disastrous or unproductive policies, policies in-demand, and implementation of policies that prove to be effective.


Their role is to help populations prevent diseases and injury by promoting solutions, including that of leading a healthful lifestyle. Applying diverse wellness education programs, conducting current research, and emerging policies that improve the vitality of communities is key to success.


Professionals in this department are considered the "education" of the public or public officials as these groups support, defend, and argue for meaningful causes. The main focus is promotion of all underserved communities in efforts to improve and advance the well-being of populations. 


Various Public Health issues demand ongoing advocacy efforts such as:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Substance abuse
  • Preventive Care
  • Food safety
  • Security
  • Nutrition
  • Physical Activity
  • Access to Assistance
  • Injury Prevention
  • Medical Expansion
  • Social Justice
  • Environmental Issues
  • Health Equity

Public Health professionals need to target the policies and decision-makers that can influence the masses. Advocacy includes but is not limited to individual advocates and ambassadors, not-for-profit groups, public health organizations, and independent agencies. These advocates are merely implementing the right as a U.S. citizen to contribute to the democratic process. 


One essential is to get to know your legislators on a personal level and establish a relationship with them. There is a need to become familiarized with team members and study the legislative process. Identifying aligned advocates and partners is a core component of discovering and building relationships. Timing is everything, along with demonstrating honesty, realism, and politeness; it is essential to follow up with legislators and their team members. 

Do Something Great NeonPhoto by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

There are various elements of advocacy, which include:

  • Research and information distribution;
  • Public Health education and outreach; 
  • Building partnerships and gaining support;
  • Strengthening and nurturing relationships; 
  • Media relations;
  • Policy evaluation; 
  • Framing problems;
  • Influencing priorities on spending;
  • Contributing to rule-making;
  • Encouraging other citizens to participate; and
  • Staying in your lane and not overstepping the boundaries between advocacy and lobbying

Assuaged is rooted in advocacy and philanthropy, making it a platform to attract more of the like-minded seeking a haven to learn and share in a safe environment. We are always looking to help others connect and learn any valuable information to enrich their lives and the lives of others. All is a ripple effect that is infinitely spreading outward, affecting all that it contacts.


We welcome you to join us, whether as an advocate, or a contributor by sharing healthful recipes, your inspirational story, and even sharing your thoughts with us on social media. Knowledge is power, especially when it comes from the heart. Be your Healthiest, Live Longer!




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Cynthia Cherise Murphy

Cynthia Cherise Murphy

Cynthia Cherise Murphy is a distinguished multi-entrepreneur, with a track record of founding and growing two thriving enterprises, Assuaged Foundation and Be Your Highest. As an expert in marketing, Cynthia employs her substantial business development acumen to lead various initiatives. Armed with dual Master’s Degrees in Psychology and Public Health, her scholarly achievements are formidable. She is on the verge of completing her PhD in Business and Marketing, underscoring her unwavering commitment to academic pursuit. Driven by a mission to promote social change, Cynthia utilizes her expanding student network to empower underprivileged groups. By advocating for and creating pathways to vital resources, fundamental rights, and life-enhancing opportunities, she strives to improve the circumstances of marginalized communities. Cynthia's exceptional leadership, passion for social justice, and commitment to collaboration make her an influential advocate for change and a catalyst for progress in the world of entrepreneurship.

Ignoring Your Health Is Just As Bad As Ignoring Your Mother

Here at Assuaged, we are dedicated to promoting healthier living and equipping students with essential digital skills. Support our mission by visiting our non-profit website and discovering the impact we are making on public populations and the lives of public health students.

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