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The Complete Guide To A Raw Vegan Diet

The primary purpose of a raw food diet is to avoid eating foods that are cooked above a specific temperature. According to some research, nutrients are destroyed during the cooking process. People follow the raw food diet for different reasons—some for curing acne, some for cancer prevention, and some for achieving a healthy lifestyle.



What Is A Healthy Lifestyle?


Being healthy is to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit. Taking care of your health will boost both your self-esteem and self-image. Therefore, you should follow a routine that is good for your body.

One of the steps to a healthy lifestyle is to keep yourself as energetic as possible. This can be achieved by exercising, such as walking, swimming, running, or merely completing daily chores. You should invest at least fifteen to thirty minutes a day in physical activities. You can also get yourself involved in activities that you love; this would relieve stress from the complications you face in your life and keep your mind at ease. To achieve mental peace, you should surround yourself with people who encourage you and give constructive criticism.

One of the main steps towards maintaining a healthy lifestyle is to be conscious of your diet and eat healthily. To eat healthier, you should consider cutting down on carbohydrates, sodium, and fats. You should also avoid eating junk food and add more fruits and vegetables to your diet.


Why Do We Need To Follow A Healthy Lifestyle?


Suppose you don’t follow a healthy lifestyle. In that case, you can suffer from numerous chronic diseases such as cancer, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Even though patients understand why following a healthy lifestyle is essential, they don’t maintain it because they don’t know how to apply and keep these lifestyle changes in their life.


However, with appropriate guidance, such as nutritional counseling and stress management techniques, healthy lifestyle changes may be a permanent solution in the lives of patients suffering from a chronic disease. According to medical research, patients who suffer from chronic illnesses that apply lifestyle changes experience rapid improvement in their conditions.


What Are Chronic Diseases?


Chronic diseases can last a year or more, depending upon how severe the condition is. Cancer, diabetes, and heart disease are significant causes of death and disabilities in the U.S. $3.5 trillion are spent in health care to fight chronic-related diseases. Most chronic diseases are caused by unhealthy lifestyles such as excessive use of tobacco or alcohol, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor diet.


What Is The Vegan Diet?


The vegan diet has become immensely popular recently. In this form of diet, all foods derived from animals are excluded. More and more people are starting to follow this diet either for health or ethical purposes. There are many types of vegan diets as well:


Whole-Food Vegan Diet:

A whole-food vegan diet is much like a typical vegan diet in which no animal product is used, such as eggs, dairy, or meat. Refined and processed foods are also avoided, focusing on vegetables, fruits, nuts, and grains.


Raw Food Vegan Diet:

The raw food vegan diet is a combination of both raw diet and veganism. Like the previous type, no animal products such as meat, dairy, or eggs are consumed. In this type of diet, only food not cooked beyond 118 F is eaten. The raw food vegan diet has many types as well, such as:

  • The Starch Solution
    • The starch solution is a low fat, high carb vegan diet. The main focus of this diet is on starches such as corn, rice, and potatoes. 
  • 80/10/10 or Fruitarian
    • With this diet, people rely on raw fruits and vegetables while avoiding plants that are rich in fat, such as nuts and avocados.
  • Raw Till 4
    • Raw till 4 is based on both the starch solution and the fruitarian diet. In this type of diet, you consume raw foods up until 4 P.M. 
  • The Thrive Diet
    • People who follow this diet eat whole foods consisting of raw produce or those cooked at a very low temperature. 


Benefits Of A Raw Vegan Diet


Since the raw vegan diet is rich in nutrients, it has many health benefits. It may help you eliminate many chronic diseases. According to a 2019 study, following a raw vegan diet has excellent benefits for your physical health. Some of the benefits related to a raw vegan diet are explained as follows:


Improve The Health Of Your Heart

A raw vegan diet’s primary focus is on fruits and vegetables, which help maintain blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke and heart-related diseases. Your cholesterol level is also improved since the diet includes nuts, whole grains, and seeds. According to a study, followers of the raw vegan diet have a 75% lower chance of high blood pressure and a 42% lower heart disease chance.


Helps In Weight Loss

According to one study, people who followed a raw vegan diet lost up to 22-26 pounds in 3.5 years. Also, they had the lowest body mass. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, a raw vegan diet can be beneficial.


Lowers The Risk Of Diabetes

Since a raw vegan diet contains a fair amount of nuts, seeds, and grains, it helps to keep your sugar level down. According to a study, people linked with this diet have a 12% lower chance of type 2 diabetes than others. This may be because the diet’s primary focus is on fruits and vegetables, which reduce the risk of diabetes. Also, fiber is consumed in this diet, which lowers blood sugar levels and insulin activity.


Helps In Digestion

The presence of fiber in a raw vegan diet helps your digestive system a lot. Chances of constipation are reduced because of the presence of insoluble fibers as they help the food move more quickly. Soluble fiber is also beneficial for your intestines as they feed good bacteria in your body. These healthy bacteria then produce nutrients, which lower the risk of inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.


Fewer Processed Foods

Processed food can cause blood vessels to inflame and lead to heart-related diseases because they have high amounts of sugars and unhealthy fats. Therefore, removing it from your diet can have a significant impact on your health.


You Eat Green

Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins, fibers, and minerals, and you consume a wide variety of greens required daily.


Skin That Glows

Significant improvements in the skin can be noticed in only a few days after starting this diet. According to many studies, skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea can be treated by following this diet.


Raw Vegan Grocery List


This information may help those on a tight food budget or who are converting to veganism or a plant-based diet. Necessary food quantities will vary greatly. Eating a 100% raw vegan diet can be costly, but prices will vary depending on where you are located.

  • Fresh fruits like banana, apple, kiwi, figs, pomegranate, citrus fruit, berries, and watermelon.
  • Frozen fruit like blueberries, strawberries, peaches, mango, cherries, and pineapple.
  • Dried fruits like cherries, apricots, almonds, raisins, and blueberries.
  • Fresh vegetables like spinach, cucumber, bell pepper, and carrots.
  • Canned/jarred vegetables like corn, pumpkin, and sun-dried tomatoes.
  • A selection of condiments, herbs, and (these will make it easier to diversify your meals).
  • Coconut oil.

Vegan Superfoods


Any plant-based option that is beneficial for health and rich in nutrients is considered a vegan superfood. They are essential for your overall well being as they can provide you with high amounts of energy all day long. There are many options to choose from, but here’s a list of some of the most popular options:

  • Nutritional Yeast: This is one of the few vegan sources that supply us with Vitamin B12.
  • Seaweed: This nutrient-rich food can serve as a healthier choice over salt. It provides a ton of vitamins and minerals along with iron and much-needed iodine.
  • Goji Berries: Widely recognized as a superfood, these Chinese berries have an exotic flavor and can be identified by their red color. They are a source of hefty amounts of zinc and iron and a great addition to any dish.
  • Nuts: These are a great source of fiber and protein. They are also considered one of the healthiest foods that a person can consume.
  • Blueberries: Rich in fiber, blueberries can boost heart health. These low-calorie berries are packed with nutrients and one of the favorite superfoods.
  • Kale: Kale is one of the most nutrient-rich foods globally, which is why it had to be on our list of superfoods. It is an excellent antioxidant, preventing heart disease and lowering cholesterol levels while also being one of the most significant sources of vitamins A, B, and C.
  • Beetroot: Along with the health benefits of lowered blood pressure, decreased inflammation, and a strengthened immune system, beetroot is an excellent source of fiber, manganese, potassium, and iron.
  • Turmeric: Curcumin is the main ingredient in turmeric that has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric has been proven to contain many medical benefits.
  • Soy: Soy is an integral part of a vegan diet. It is widely prescribed as a solution to high cholesterol.
  • Oats: Oats contain proactive fibers and are a great vegan alternative for iron, potassium, and calcium. Gluten-free oats are also an option.

If you plan your plant-based choices accordingly and consume these nutrient-rich foods, there is no doubt that one can easily consume plenty of vitamins, protein, and fiber. They are a much healthier alternative as most superfoods are antioxidants and can prevent high cholesterol levels, preventing heart disease and other medical problems.


Vegan Options Besides Fruits and Vegetables


Here are some vegan options that are neither a part of the fruit nor vegetable classes:



Beans are seed-like grains. Cheap and healthy, beans can be fried or baked before eating. They are rich in protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. Beans may help you control your cholesterol and blood pressure. All in all, beans are a great source of nutrients and a healthy plant-based option.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is used for cooking and can be beneficial for your health. It gives a tremendous amount of energy to your body, prevents sickness, and removes harmful bacteria from your mouth.


Soy Milk

Soy milk is made by grinding and boiling soybeans and is an excellent plant-based dairy alternative. It is a great way to incorporate potassium and much-needed calcium into your diet. It also contains very little saturated fat.



Bread is one of the most consumed foods on the planet. With only flour, water, yeast, and salt as their active ingredients, it is prepared by making dough and baking it. There are many types of bread, but brown and white bread are the most common ones. While many people argue that it is richer in carbohydrates and fat than proteins, the nutritional content depends on the type of bread in discussion. Whole wheat bread, for example, boasts a high amount of fiber and manganese.



Also known as maize, corn is a cereal extension from the grain family. Low in proteins and fat, corn provides many nutritional benefits such as high amounts of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.



Oats are another part of the grain family, regarded as one of the healthiest foods to eat. Oats are an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants. They provide us with health benefits such as lower blood sugar levels and a reduced heart disease risk.



Wheat is another cereal grain that is considered a staple food around the world. It is also a source of flour that is globally consumed. It comes from a particular type of grass and is cultivated for its seeds. Although wheat is under some controversy as it contains gluten, there is no doubt regarding its nutritional value. It is extremely rich in multiple antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber.


How To Start Your Raw Vegan Diet


It will take a little extra effort at first to start your raw vegan diet. You will come across many new things when you begin to follow this diet, such as new techniques and ingredients. The right type of education, advice, and components are needed to keep yourself interested and stop yourself from going back to old ways. According to followers of the raw vegan diet, the most significant problems are the lack of options available in restaurants and pressure from society.

Here are some of the tips you can follow when you decide to start your raw vegan diet.


Stock Your Kitchen With Raw Vegan Groceries

You’ll be needing plenty of groceries at hand. For this purpose, a trip to the market is required to stock your kitchen with all the essentials. You can get away from the frustrating feeling of having nothing to eat by building your collection of spices, nuts, and seeds. This would keep you occupied and interested in the diet.


Try New Recipes

You need to make sure to have fun while following this raw vegan diet. You can search for plenty of recipes for vegan soups, smoothies, raw vegan chocolate, or desserts. 


Prepare Meals Ahead Of Time/Have Snacks On Hand

You can prepare your meals ahead of time, and you should always have some snacks available, including raw granola, flax crackers, or dry fruits. Also, having some raw vegan desserts is one of the most lavish comforts when you are new to this diet.


Make A Meal Plan

Making a meal plan is always a good idea, even if you barely follow it. It can save you time in grocery shopping, and instead of standing in the kitchen and wondering what to eat, you can track your diet plan and decide instantly. 


Create Awareness

Many people have never heard of a raw vegan diet, even though awareness about it is increasing rapidly. It would help if you learned as much as you can about the raw vegan diet so that you can answer any questions others may have. You may sometimes need to defend your decision, and having all the right information will help you through those days.


Extend Your Support To Others

Anyone new adapting to this lifestyle change should be given full support. A good and robust support system is essential. You can connect with other followers of the raw vegan diet online and also communicate with them since finding them locally is quite tricky. You can also create a local network of people who follow this diet and go to raw food restaurants together. 


Don’t Lose Focus

It would be best to keep your attention focused on your goal and not get distracted; you should keep your eyes on the prize and keep moving forward. Hang up inspiring words and pictures to keep yourself motivated, and you will achieve it in only a matter of time.


False Assumptions Related To The Raw Vegan Diet


Although many benefits are attached to adopting a raw vegan lifestyle, many false assumptions are linked, as well. If you want to adopt this lifestyle but are choosing not to do so because of beliefs attached to it, the following points will help you make up your mind. Some of the false assumptions related to a raw vegan food diet and its truths are as follows:


1. You Cannot Consume Anything Other Than Raw Food

According to some people, you cannot eat anything other than raw food if you start following this lifestyle. But, the truth is, you can start by making small changes in your eating habits and don’t need to go completely vegan. Even a tiny amount will benefit you if your average diet includes fast food. You can start by making simple changes such as eating fruits for breakfast instead of pancakes. You can start replacing your lunch with a green vegan salad. But to achieve maximum result, you need to replace your regular diet with a raw vegan diet by up to 95%.


2. You Can Only Eat Cold Food

This is another false assumption. You can warm your food as long as the temperature is below 104 F. You can heat your food in a dehydrator or even on a coffee maker’s warming plate.


3. Only Fruits And Vegetables Can Be Consumed

Another false assumption is that a raw vegan diet plan consists of nothing but raw fruits and vegetables. Many other things are included in this diet plan, such as seeds, nuts, seaweeds, and juices. Some processed food is also included, such as raw soy sauce and raw nut butter.


4. Adapting To This Diet Is Expensive

It depends on your tastes whether a diet is cheap or expensive. Some of the most expensive food items are certainly not included in a raw vegan diet. Although some pre-made items are costly, most of them are affordable. They can even be grown at home, such as apples and bananas.


5. No Restaurants Serve Raw Vegan Food

With the raw vegan diet gaining popularity day by day, many big cities have started raw food restaurants. Some cities such as New York have multiple raw food restaurants. Even in any typical restaurant, at least one of the menu items is a vegan dish. Many businesses serve fruit smoothies and salads, as well.


6.Preparing Raw Food Items Takes A Lot Of Time

One of the greatest fears of people trying to adapt to this lifestyle is that they will have to prepare dishes that take hours in the kitchen. But this is not entirely true. You can have salads, smoothies, and raw soup, which can be prepared very quickly. You can also buy some handy machines such as a food processor, blender, juicer, or dehydrator, which can save you a lot of time.


There is no denying that a raw vegan diet can be beneficial if you need to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Since it is rich in nutrients, it has many benefits attached to it. To achieve physical and mental health, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle, and a raw vegan diet is indeed one of the most beneficial options available.

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Medawar, E., Huhn, S., Villringer, A., & Witte, A. V. (2019, September 12). 



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