What Are The Health Benefits of Maca For Women?
Hi ladies, have you ever wondered how to keep up on that brains and beauty got-it-put-together aura, only to realize that the day-to-day hustle eventually puts that glamorized image on the backburner? And at times, even end up a bit… frazzled? We know the feeling!
While none of us should ever feel the need to fit in and live up to society's unrealistic standards, we should all remember to keep our own well-being front and center. If you don't feel your best, it's near impossible to do your best.
Let's be honest, most of us are not taught how to properly nourish our bodies or manage mental stress. As a result, we have "good days and bad days" all through life and allow our insecurities to take the wheel without considering the possibility of looking for a better way, a real solution.
Maca Root - The Amazing Superfood
If you are a woman on the go, whether a college student, a mother, or a businesswoman, or all three, we all have to juggle unpredictable stress and demands daily. In any stage of womanhood, we can expect to experience some degree of low energy, mood swings, depression, hormonal issues, and everything in between.
Imagine, what if there was a natural All-In-One remedy that could:
Boost Energy Levels
Improve Mood & Libido
Help Relieve Depression & Anxiety
Ease Stress & Tension
Strengthen Bones and Teeth
Enhance Mental Clarity
Encourage Healthier Hair & Skin
It sounds too good to be true, right!? Actually, this near magical plant is called Peruvian ginseng, the tuber better known as Maca Root. This tuber is one of the top superfoods and adaptogens packed with protein, fiber, 19 essential amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and D, calcium, and more!
This awesome superfood is not only a complete source of protein, it also contains:
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Iodine
- Manganese
- Zinc
- Iron
- Vitamins B1, B2, C, & D
Balancing Hormones and Stress levels
Maca is a well-known adaptogen that helps to balance the body's homeostasis, especially during stressful situations. It is plentiful in various vital nutrients, minerals, enzymes, and amino acids that our body needs during intense moments where quick and precise mental processing is required.
Maca is also useful for alleviating menstrual side effects by regulating your cycle in terms of the number of days, the amount of blood flow, and reduced pain and discomfort.
This healing root has also shown to help manage mood disorders. This is one product that eases symptoms of both anxiety and depression, and hormonal imbalances that can drastically lessen the quality of life.
It's a fantastic superfood that increases energy levels, supports brain function from its fatty acid composition, and provides essential vitamins and minerals.
What Does Maca Do For Fertility?
Sexual dysfunction in females can be improved by using maca root since it can increase libido as an aphrodisiac. It also alleviates symptoms of depression and increases energy levels, which can also contribute.
Red Maca is generally considered best option for women, particularly in helping to boost female fertility. The nutrients balance your body's hormones and make ovulation time more predictable.
Maca root is also very supportive in regulating menstrual cycles and symptoms as well. Maca root promotes, primarily black, improves fertility chances for both partners by increasing sperm quality and count for men. Black Maca is the primary choice for men, but also has positive benefits for women as well.
Is Maca Safe During Pregnancy?
Although it's touted to have a multitude of benefits in the reproductive realm, there have been fewer or no proven results that show whether it's safe to be consumed by pregnant women. With that said, If you have any concerns about taking maca root during pregnancy, please consult your doctor before consuming.
Maca For Menopause Relief
Are you going through menopause or perimenopause? Did you know that Maca root can help to alleviate menopause symptoms?
Here are some menopausal symptoms the macaenes and macamides in Maca help to relieve:
Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Vaginal Dryness
Mood Swings
Trouble Sleeping
Maca Root contains 10 minerals, 23 essential fatty acids, and nearly all amino acids, along with nutrients called glucosinolates that stimulate the body to produce hormones, in this case, estrogen, to balance hormonal levels and function. It is also an adaptogen and contains unique nutrients called macaenes and macamides that help the body produce ideal hormone levels.
Maca also shows promise in the area of supporting bone density, which decreases once women go through menopause and can cause fractures and disability. Balanced Hormones also promotes healthier egg production, and establishing a healthy estrogen and progesterone balance. Having a suitable estrogen level also can lighten hot flashes and insomnia or sleep irregularities.
Is Maca Good For Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a medical condition where bones weaken, and the risk of injuries and fractures increases significantly. Maca Root, being an amazing naturopathic remedy, has shown active anti-osteoporotic components that support the bone formation process.
Osteoporosis is commonly observed in the elderly or postmenopausal women, since the leading cause is steep drops in estrogen levels. The hormone Estrogen protects our bones but decreases sharply in women who are approaching menopause.
Believe it or not, Maca has more calcium than milk, and this way, it strengthens our bones and lowers the chances of experiencing Osteoporosis.
Other ways to prevent Osteoporosis in addition to adding Maca powder to your diet are:
Getting Enough Vitamin D and Calcium
Eating Plenty of Fresh Fruits and Veggies for Extra Nutrients
Avoiding Smoking and Limiting Alcohol
Minimizing Stress
Getting Ample Rest
Giving Yourself Extra LOVE!
How Is Maca Root Good For Your Skin and Hair?
Maca root not only promotes radiant skin and hair, but stronger nails and teeth too!
It is most effective when used topically as a hair mask, especially if experiencing thinning hair, because it stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. This encourages more nourishment to reach the hair follicles, increasing the strength, reducing hair fall and breakage.
For your skin, try making your own homemade face, both are great ways to reap the maximum beauty benefits. Maca Root is packed with vitamin C, which fights free radicals and increases your collagen along with vitamins D and E levels.
Another advantage for your skin is that it protects it and lowers sensitivity levels, especially resistance to sun damage. This is still being studied, but Maca may be the next sunscreen alternative!
Supplementing your diet with this superfood can assist with clearing acne and blemishes and is often used for oily skin types. Try adding about a teaspoon to smoothies & meals for a super nutrient boost if you don't want to use it topically. Try pairing with foods that complement the unique flavor, nut butters and cacao blend well for starters.
Does Taking Maca Really Enhance Curves?
Maca has shown results in enhancing curves and increase tone and body shape. It contains a high content of estrogen, vitamins, and minerals, which helps build lean muscle mass and increase some major healthy curves, therefore supporting both feminine beauty and strength.
When Should I Start Taking Maca Powder?
It's clear that this superfood is intended for any determined health regime and should be included, like a daily vitamin for those looking for a brighter experience each day. Who doesn't want to feel their best with a clear mind, elevated mood, and ample energy?
If the flavor of Maca powder is just not compatible with your palette, there are other options! Capsules and liquid extracts are your best bets to incorporate Maca without tasting it. For sensitive stomachs, stick with the gelatinized options!
This natural remedy supports hormonal balance and reproductive health, increases energy, improves brain function, and relieves depression and anxiety. Maca has likewise been frequently used to alleviate menstrual side effects, boost fertility, and to assist through the transition of menopause.
Put all that together with enhancing curves and lean muscle while encouraging healthier hair, teeth, nails, and glowing skin, just how many perks does one product need to make onto your go-to list?