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7 Tips to Stay Healthy and Productive While Working Remotely

In the face of a worldwide pandemic, we need better health and productivity, especially in this new remotely driven world. Times have changed, and now we must find ways to hold ourselves accountable when working from home.


If you are a workaholic working remotely, or if you are someone looking to make improvements to your everyday working and personal life, keep reading on to learn our seven tips to stay healthy and productive while working remotely.


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Tend to your Mental Health


Listen to healing mantras on YouTube or launch Pandora and listen to a mixture of your favorite genres of songs while working.


Audible is also an excellent source of books that can be read to you while working from home. We love listening to water music on YouTube and listening to audible books over them. It can help to balance your environment unless you prefer working in complete silence.


Use essential oils in an oil diffusor or a few drops in a candle. This will create a spa-like atmosphere for you to enjoy while working remotely.

Get Your Move On


Only sit for 45 minutes at one time, then get up to at least walk around. It is ideal for giving yourself at least ten minutes away from the computer screen so your eyes can adjust.


Put increments of time aside to sprint, do jumping jacks or roll around on your oversized yoga ball.


As a standard for health, you need to be exercising for 25 minutes daily; walking is preferred because if not careful, running can be harder on the joints, especially if you run on treadmills.


Keep Up Your Liquid Intake


Water is one of the healthiest remedies we need to stay alive. We recommend drinking at least 8 cups of liquids a day. Our favorite combinations are herbal tea blends such as Peppermint and Green Tea for a boost in energy.


Take a Quick Shower Everyday


Showering is great for hygiene and to feel refreshed and clean. We recommend being short on your shower time because it saves water. Also, remember that the oils in your hair are naturally good for hair growth. Therefore, we recommend only washing your hair 1-2 times weekly.

Use Modernized Workspace Tools for Communication


Modernized tools are moving mountains when it comes to fulfilling our organization and productivity needs. When we started Assuaged four years ago, we began using Slack, which was recommended by our celebrity developer Creative27. Our team of students became immediately drawn to the colors and friendly workspace.


Before incorporating Slack, we had been working through piles of e-mails and text messages. Things would get lost, and it would put us in a bind with time wasted. It was a process to learn the Slack platform, but it became our most fundamental dynamic to achieve organization.


The Slack software is free to use, but we highly recommend upgrading to take full advantage of their robust features such as reminders, video messaging, and connection to other useful slack apps such as Direct Memo, G-mail, and Nectar.


Thank you, Slack, for your excellent customer service and for providing such fantastic software that our team uses to communicate effectively!


Use Modernized Workspace Tools for Project Management


Another organizational software that our team of students uses is Monday.com. This project management software is also colorful and will get you organized in no time. Again, it did take us a while to learn the Monday software and incorporate processes that would allow us to organize and streamline our operational functions.


We have almost been with Monday for one-year, and we don't ever plan on leaving either! The Monday team makes you feel like family. If you seek a product that will lead your team to achieve driven results, Monday.com will not disappoint.


They offer a free trial, and then their software is relatively low priced. Either way, it is priceless to have modernized tools to help you get your business to the next level.


Use Modernized Workspace Tools for Time Management


Clockify is a fantastic time management tool that helps track your team members' working time. We are a public health organization, so many of our students need to track and manage their internship hours.


Clockify is a tool that allows for detailed reports and adding unlimited users at a low cost.


Their customer service is impressive, and in this case, you do genuinely get the value you are paying for. Clockify conveniently has an online app that works in a web browser for your computer or phone.


If you want even greater success use Grammarly for spell check and writing.


Also, if you are a business owner, you should always honor your team members by providing as much as incentives as you can, we recommend Nectar.


Incorporating these seven tips to stay healthy and productive while working remotely are most beneficial when it comes to:

  • Work productivity;

  • Organization;

  • Maca-Team-Menopause-Maca-300X250

    Enhanced circulation;

  • Stress and tension relief;

  • Headache and migraine relief;

  • Soothes stiff neck, shoulders, and backaches (including sciatica);

  • Insomnia relief and better sleep; and 

  • Overall health and happiness.

There are really no excuses not to try these seven tips. If you are a man or woman looking for specific health benefits or just want to know about the general healing properties of the products that we recommend on our website. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!


References (Tools)

SlackMondayClockifyHubspot | Nectar | Grammarly


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