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How is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For the Body?




Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has been used for many years as a home remedy. It is made by combining crushed apples and yeast, which ferments the sugars and turns them into alcohol. Healthy bacteria are added to ferment the alcohol further and turn it into acetic acid. Acetic acid gives ACV a sour smell and taste, and researchers claim it is responsible for its health benefits. 


What are the Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar?


There are many health benefits of ACV. It has been used to kill pathogens, as a disinfectant, and as a natural preservative. The acetic acid and its low pH break down bacteria's cellular components, making ACV a good cleaner.


Here are some of the top reasons to take ACV: 


Weight Loss


ACV has been used for weight loss for many years. Scientific studies have proven that vinegar reduces body mass and triglyceride levels. Though it can still help lower weight without dietary changes, ACV, in combination with a healthy lifestyle, will work wonders! 


So how does ACV help reduce weight? ACV helps keep you full for extended periods, reducing your appetite and leading to less calorie intake. It also slows stomach emptying -- the rate food leaves your stomach. This again creates a more prolonged feeling of fullness. However, this could harm those who already have delayed gastric emptying, also known as gastroparesis. 


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Managing Diabetes and Lowering Blood Sugar Levels


study by the American Diabetes Association shows favorable results of using ACV for people with Type 2 Diabetes. It showed that acetic acid altered the glycolysis cycle, or the breakdown of glucose, in the liver, benefitting individuals with diabetes. 


Another review showed that after 8-12 weeks of vinegar consumption, there was a significant reduction in blood glucose levels. Though there is not enough research for doctors to strongly recommend using ACV, it is worth discussing to determine if it can help. 


Lower Blood Pressure


Studies show that ACV can decrease blood pressure. This is because acetic acid reduces renin production. Renin is released by the kidneys and causes blood vessels to constrict, which leads to high blood pressure. The study showed decreased blood pressure after 6-8 weeks. 


Another study from 2018 shows that ACV also helps lower cholesterol. It is not acetic acid that helps with this but pectin, an insoluble fiber found in ACV that reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases the good cholesterol (HDL).


Regulate Cancer Cell Growth


ACV has some evidence that shows acetic acid helps regulate cancer cell growth. A study shows that acetic acid kills cancer cells when in contact. However, this study was conducted on cells in a lab and has not been tested on humans and would need further research to confirm it. 





How Can I Use ACV While Cooking?


It can be added to salad dressing or vinaigrette. Many people also dilute it in water or tea. It can be more appetizing to add in lemon, cinnamon, or any sweetener of your choice (agave, honey, stevia). 

The average dosage is 1-2 tablespoons daily, diluted in a large glass of water. It is recommended to start with one tablespoon and gradually increase the amount if needed.

ACV lasts a very long time and does not need to be refrigerated. Even if it gets cloudy over time, it is safe to use! This cloudiness is called the mother and is strands of protein in organic ACV. 

Drinking ACV in the morning with warm water is beneficial to jump-start your whole body for the rest of the day. Taking it on an empty stomach is good for losing weight, reducing hunger, and cleansing the body of toxins. 





Additional Ways to Take ACV


An easy drink with ACV is diluting it with water and adding lemon and a sweetener for a light, refreshing taste. You can add pomegranate juice, orange juice, or crushed strawberries to the ACV and water solution. 


Another great way to consume ACV is by taking a wellness shot. You can make this by combining ACV, water, juiced ginger, lemon, cayenne, and a sweetener (optional) in a shot glass. This is great in the morning for nausea, headaches, and hypertension. 


Besides consuming ACV as a drink, it can also be used around the house and for hair and skin! Here are some other ways to use ACV:

  • Wash fruits and vegetables
  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Facial toner
  • Dandruff treatment
  • Trap fruit flies
  • Mouth wash 





Is It Safe to Drink ACV Every Day?


You can safely drink ACV daily but within the recommended amount. A large intake of ACV can have side effects due to its high acidity, damaging the linings in your throat and stomach, especially if not diluted enough. It is essential to take it in moderation every day and to consume only a little in one sitting. 


Some side effects from consuming ACV in large quantities and over a long period include: 

  • Tooth enamel deterioration 
  • Upset stomach 
  • Throat burns
  • Low potassium levels 


To prevent these issues, if you intake ACV by diluting it in water, you can drink with a straw and rinse your mouth after drinking. Be sure to limit your intake and check for any possible allergies. 


ACV has been used for many years as a natural remedy. Besides health benefits, it is also used for skincare, hair conditioning, and cleaning. ACV is by no means a cure for health problems, but it can help in small ways. The most important tip is to consume it in moderation daily. 


To gather some ideas on ways to use apple cider vinegar in your cooking, visit this link: https://www.thekitchn.com/20-recipes-that-make-use-of-apple-cider-vinegar-230195


Our team at Assuaged would love to know what you think about apple cider vinegar! Leave a comment below, we'd love to hear what you have to say! 



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