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Employee to Patient - Discussion on Wellbeing


Employee well-being has a substantial impact on their general health, increasing or decreasing their risk of becoming a patient. When employees feel high levels of stress, burnout, or frustration at work, it can have a significant impact on their mental and physical health, perhaps leading to the development of health problems or exacerbating pre-existing ones. 


Factors that impact Employee wellbeing

Work-life Balance [1]

Achieving a work-life balance helps employees recharge, engage in meaningful activities, and cultivate relationships, all of which are essential for overall well-being. A lack of balance, marked by lengthy work hours, excessive demands, and blurred lines between work and home life, can result in burnout, weariness, strained relationships, and poor overall health.  


Physical Health and Safety [2]

Prioritizing workplace physical health and safety is critical for improving employee well-being and building a happy and sustainable work environment. Neglecting physical health and safety precautions can lead to employee stress, worry, and low job satisfaction, resulting in more absenteeism, turnover, and significant long-term health implications.


Mental Health Support [3]

Workplace mental health assistance has a substantial impact on employee wellness because it provides critical tools and solutions for effectively addressing psychological struggles. Accessible mental health services and supportive workplace cultures minimize the stigma surrounding mental health disorders, enabling individuals to seek treatment when needed and cultivating a sense of belonging and safety.


Social Support [4]

Social support from peers, supervisors, and the company protects against the negative consequences of workplace issues such as heavy workloads or conflicts by offering emotional support, practical aid, and proper constructive management. 




Employee-to-patient pipeline

The term "employee to patient pipeline" refers to the phenomenon of individuals working in certain fields, especially healthcare, who later become patients within the same system or organization.


Healthcare Industry:

Extremely stressful environments, long working hours[5], and emotional strain all contribute to burnout, mental health difficulties[6], and physical diseases among healthcare workers. As these conditions worsen, employees may seek medical help, becoming patients in the same healthcare system where they work. 


Mental Health Industry:

High-pressure workplaces, long hours, and job insecurity can all contribute to chronic stress and burnout [7] in mental health professionals, causing their health to decline and producing symptoms such as anxiety and depression[8]. Without proper support or intervention, these individuals may eventually seek professional assistance, changing from employees to patients in the mental health system.



Industries with significant health cost


Employees working in the healthcare system may face high health-care costs as a result of several factors stated above. 

Healthcare professionals may delay seeking care owing to tight schedules or a perceived need to prioritize patient needs before their own, which can aggravate health conditions and result in higher medical costs in the long run.


The nature of hospitality jobs frequently involves long hours, inconsistent schedules, and physically demanding responsibilities, which can lead to stress, fatigue, and an increased risk of injury.

Furthermore, employees in the hospitality industry may have limited access to healthcare benefits or run into difficulties in seeking medical care due to factors such as low pay or a lack of insurance coverage. 

Education [11]:

Heavy workloads, demanding schedules, classroom management issues, and the emotional toll of assisting children with various needs all contribute to severe stress for educators.

Furthermore, infectious diseases are widespread in school settings, raising the risk of physical health problems among educators. 


Ways to Improve Employee Wellbeing

  • Positive work environment: A positive work environment helps protect against workplace issues.
  • Work-life balance initiatives: Work-life balance enables employees to rejuvenate. When companies invest in Work-life balance initiatives, they're improving their employees' wellbeing
  • Mental Health Support: Providing Mental Health Support fosters an environment of belonging and safety for employees.
  • Supportive Leadership: Support supervisors and the organization can help reduce conflicts, which could reduce stress in employees.

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Favour Edehomon

Favour Edehomon

Hello! My name is Favour Edehomon, I am a Sophomore Biopsychology student at Oglethorpe University. I live in Norcross with my family, but we are originally from Nigeria. After my undergraduate, i plan on getting a master's in psychology and then a PhD in Health Psychology. While this is my current goal, I am still very open to exploring and learning. I love going out with my family and friends, doodling, and doing makeup. A fun fact about me is that I have never sprained or broken any part of my body. As a child I really enjoyed reading, I have grown out of it in recent years, but I hope that's something I pick up again. I do a lot of volunteering sometimes; I volunteer at Zoo Atlanta during special events and with health educator groups like Diabetes You Can Win. I am also a Full-time Dialysis Technician; I am a Certified Patient Care Technician (CPCT) and a Certified Clinical Hemodialysis Technician (CCHT).

Ignoring Your Health Is Just As Bad As Ignoring Your Mother

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