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Taking A Small Step Towards Big Results In 2022


Taking A Small Step Towards Big Results In 2022


People who set new year's resolutions generally choose something significant and exciting, such as running a marathon or starting a six-figure side business. Attaining those goals provides a satisfying thrill.

However, such awe-inspiring apprehensions can overshadow the importance of achieving a modest goal. It's unfortunate because even a tiny step in the right direction can lead to significant, often life-changing results.

For example, if you want to lose weight in the new year, you commit to a strict healthy diet and work out five days a week.

That's perfectly fine!

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Tiny Steps Can Reap Big Rewards


What if you decide to walk after dinner every day? According to WebMD, a 30-minute brisk walk burns approximately 140 calories.

Assuming your diet is unchanged, this would result in a 15-pound weight loss over a year.


The best part about setting a goal like walking for half an hour every day is knowing it is highly attainable. A small commitment is less likely to be abandoned than a big goal.

An article in Harvard Women's Health Watch suggests that New Year's resolutions can be challenging to keep, mainly if they are meant to improve health behaviors, such as losing weight or eating more healthfully.

It is true that adopting a new, healthy habit or breaking an old, bad one can be very challenging, regardless of when we decide to make the change or how strongly motivated we are.

Regardless of how small the effort may be, consistency and 'willpower' are crucial. Every effort is worthwhile, no matter how often one fails or backslides.

When you concentrate on a 'small step' goal, you can benefit from the snowball effect.

Small goals, like clumps of snow rolling down a hill and growing bigger and bigger, yield minor results at first but gradually become more significant.


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Start Your Goals Using Smart Goals

So, as you consider what you want to accomplish this year, consider setting a few SMART goals. They will get you the desired results.

Researchers find that long-term change is more likely to occur when self-motivated and embedded in constructive thinking.

Usually, targeted goals can be met if they are specific, limited, and can be achieved in a practical way, such as "I will walk for 30 minutes every day," rather than "I will exercise more."


At Assuaged, we are committed to helping you Achieve Your Healthiest. We take pride in our HIGH-QUALITY PREMIUM PRODUCTS specially designed for your every need.


We aim to empower you to live healthier lives to provide the tools and resources to make healthy choices.


You have come this far—don't put a limit on how far you can go.


Please feel free to share your success story with us.


Here's to being your HEALTHIEST!





Harvard Women's Health Watch (2012) ‘Successful change comes only in stages. How long it takes is an individual matter’. https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/why-behavior-change-is-hard-and-why-you-should-keep-trying




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Ignoring Your Health Is Just As Bad As Ignoring Your Mother

Here at Assuaged, we are dedicated to promoting healthier living and equipping students with essential digital skills. Support our mission by visiting our non-profit website and discovering the impact we are making on public populations and the lives of public health students.

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