Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), or vaping, have become a popular option and choice for smokers. E-cigarettes were initially planned to aid people smoking tobacco as a smoking cessation. These nicotine delivery systems are small hand-held device that runs off a battery designed to simulate traditional smoking. These devices have many different juices with several flavors intended to attract users.
Brain and Heart Changes
Research conducted by the Center for Tobacco Research and Educational Center has shown that using a daily e-cigarette double and increases the risks of a heart attack. A cigarette (combustible cigarette), when smoked with an e-cigarette, increases the chances of a heart attack by five times.
Nicotine disrupts the development of the brain, which can lead to a decrease in cognitive functioning and lead to physical and mental health issues. This information is even more alarming when we think about the popularity of vaping, especially among the adolescent population.
The National Institute of Drug Abuse has reported that brain changes from e-cigarettes are the same in someone smoking any other form of nicotine or nicotine lozenges [1]
The Effects of E-cigarettes on the Body
Exposure to E-cigarettes creates stress on the body and increases the number of inflammatory responses in the pulmonary system. Chronic inflammation of the pulmonary system creates issues such as difficulty breathing with pulmonary irritations, coughing and wheezing, and impaired pulmonary function.
Oral and stomach irritations can also occur, causing the gum tissues to inflame and bleed, causing a sore throat, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
When the electronic nicotine delivery device is heated, there is an aerosol of fine particles that the lungs will absorb through inhalation. Then those nicotine particles will travel quickly to the heart to deliver the chemical to the brain within a few seconds.
The liquid material that turns into an aerosol comprises propylene glycol, glycerine, nicotine, and one or more flavorings [2].
Propylene glycol is a harmless chemical that also helps to make an inhaler work for someone who has asthma. Still, due to mass marketing, cheaper chemical such as diethylene glycol is used instead of propylene glycol. Diethylene glycol is an industrial solvent that is known to be poisonous. Many of the more affordable devices do not control the temperature of the vape juices, which will cause these juices to become carcinogenic when they are overheated.
In 2015, more than half of the e-cigarette marketed compounds were found to have the chemical diacetyl. This chemical compound is dangerous and is known to cause popcorn lung, which causes damage and scarring of the lungs to increase the severity of the symptoms.
Medical professionals know popcorn lung as “bronchiolitis obliterans.” This disease results from chronic exposure to chemicals that causes inflammation and obstruction of the smallest passages in the lungs [3].
Chronic Stress and the Effects on our Body
Chronic stress on the body has many harmful effects on the different systems of the human body. The human stress response helps to maintain homeostasis of actual or perceived stress. During stressful moments, cortisol is secreted in a pulsatile pattern which can gain amplitude and create a circadian pattern. With acute stress levels, cortisol levels will ride, and the pulsatility is maintained. Acute rises in cortisol are crucial for the fight-or-flight responses for survival.
If stress is chronic, the body will create changes in hormones and will cause cortisol levels to remain raised. Long-term exposure to increased cortisol levels can lead to various medical problems, such as metabolic syndrome, obesity, cancer, mental health disorders, cardiovascular disease, and an increased risk for infections. Also, chronic elevations of cortisol secreted in the body can lead to poor cognitive, metabolic, and immune functions [4].
Need Help Quitting?
Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) contain, as the name states, Nicotine. Even though the e-cigarette was marketed as a healthier option to smoking regular cigarettes, users are still getting delivery of nicotine which we all know causes cancers and increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases and oral manifestations of gum health.
For help quitting, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offers support, including a free quit coach, a free quit plan, free educational materials, and referrals for local resources. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669).
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