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Eat Like a Woman and Start Feeling Your Best

When it comes to medical and diet advice for women, many feel overlooked, misunderstood, or even straight-up ignored when looking for help. These circumstances are all partly true since there are so many factors to consider for the body to function optimally. For women, bodily functions get quite complicated compared to men. 


The lack of women inclusive research in medicine and health sciences may be a significant missing piece of the puzzle today. Every person goes through life stages with varying nutritional needs, but how substantial is that variance as we grow and mature? Staness, the founder of ELAW, has made it her mission to bring awareness to this and more.




Realities of Womanhood, What Does Your Body Need?


Whether growing out of adolescence, dealing with the stressful transitions of your 20's, becoming a new mother, or going through menopause, all experiences will be taxing on the body. With pregnancy and menopause eventually occurring in nearly half the population, it is a little surprising that more research was not already in progress. 


Supplement Nutritional Needs with shakes while transitioning to a healthier lifestyle!


Together, we aspire to find better ways to handle these transitions and maintain healthy lifestyles throughout these experiences. One vital recommendation is to find nutritional balance with tasty, plant-based, nutrient-rich shakes, specific to your current life stage! 




The three life stage shake options provided by Eat Like A Woman (ELAW) are:


  • Life Stage Shake - REPRODUCTIVE YEARS

  • Life Stage Shake - PREGNANT & LACTATING WOMEN 

  • Life Stage Shake - MENOPAUSE & BEYOND

It is an excellent way to get what the body requires, even when you are short on time. While most of us could work on time-management, time-savers are always welcome! Juggling the master act of womanhood with a clearer mind and added energy is a central goal for many of us. It is becoming more attainable with the jumps in woman's health occurring today.


ELAW also provides wholesome and delicious plant-based protein bars for afternoon pick-me-ups or just a yummy guilt-free treat! The Happy Cookie is on its way back due to popular demand as well!




How to Stay Balanced During These Stressful Times


During this pandemic and pressing economic times, making healthy choices can be challenging. How can we realistically approach physical goals while balancing stressors and practicing self-acceptance? 


This current world-wide lifestyle change has become a significant source of stress for people all over the world. It is normal to reach for cookies or other unhealthy treats for comfort and ease. These reactions are common; these are stressful circumstances!


Here are some tips to stay in charge of your thoughts and crushing the cravings that come up with them!

  • Being aware is the first step so that you can manage your choices.  
  • Getting exercise from a daily walk or online class can help alleviate stress and keep the mind out of the cookie jar. 
  • If you live alone, stay connected with others via technology.
  • Turn off the news! Take a break, read a book, listen to music.
  • Stop, close your eyes and take deep breaths to unwind, or listen to a mediation online or pray.
  • Keep some raw veggies in the house and enjoy some celery, peanut butter, or other preferred vegetables instead. Nuts are filling and nutritious snacks that are healthy and excellent brain food!
  • Remember, eating simples carbs, or high-sugar foods suppresses immunity and stirs mental activity. During this pandemic, we must focus on strengthening our immune system! Enjoying unprocessed, unsweetened foods like veggies, fruits, and nuts can also fuel a healthy immune system.

Maximizing new science with precision nutrition and customizing products with a focus on gender makes sense! There is a massive imbalance in women's diets. 


Many still assume women and men are the same minus reproductive health. Nevertheless, we are learning just how different we are, from how we metabolize nutrients to how we experience stressors. 


Supplement While Transitioning Into a Healthier Lifestyle! Get the Nutrients Your Body Needs!



For an optimal diet, you don't have to go entirely plant-based right away or even at all! Consider being the Founder of Eat Like A Woman, Staness Jonekos, and take on the flexitarian diet! The Blue Zone Diets also support this diet plan, proving a primarily plant-based diet is ideal for the body, along with sharing a healthy lifestyle with friends and loved ones!


Being a proud flexitarian focused on the Mediterranean diet, Staness knows that dietary changes can be tricky, especially if you move into a more restrictive diet plan. That's what makes including shakes and smoothies so great; it's super easy to incorporate the nutrients that may otherwise get forgotten or overlooked.


Eat Like A Woman is a Nutritional Lifestyle Brand that utilizes plant-based foods and exclusively focuses on women's health needs. Staness noted,


"When I discover new science that includes women, I apply that gender difference with nutritional science. With many new studies, including females now, I am enjoying the endless possibilities of yummy snacks for women that embrace these differences."


Staness addresses these life stages by encouraging us to know our bodies better, listen to what they need, and when. Our bodies are not built like men, so we should not follow their health manual terms either.


"With a vision to bring awareness to the unique health and nutritional needs of women, Eat Like a Woman® introduces healthy, plant-based options inspired by the latest research in women's health." is Staness's stated mission. Find out more here to learn more about Staness and how she is changing the world and improving women's health.


How Have Women Been Excluded From Science? 


In 1977, the FDA banned women from participating in clinical research after an experimental incident ended terribly for many who were expecting. (National Institutes of Health, 2020). This ban caused women to be excluded from drug and nutrition research for many years, resulting in skewed mainstream data that only presented findings based on male subjects. 


Men and women have very different bodies, and our needs, life stages, and experiences affect our health differently. By using male-focused research, the narrative of women is continuously getting shut out.


Between about the ages of 12 to 50, women's physical needs change over the years and vary throughout the month. Adequate protein and iron intake are necessary for muscle growth, along with potassium and calcium for bone density must be considered for optimal health, both physically and mentally. (Nutrient Essentials et al., 2019). 


Balancing diet and lifestyle for anyone can be difficult without proper guidance. However, even after studying labels and RDA's, women get the short end of the stick when it comes to balanced recommendations. Since we were left out of years of research, women's medicine was approximately 30 years behind men's, but this is rapidly changing as women are making much headway in medical science fields.


For women everywhere, we can initiate change by:

  •  Participating in a clinical trial
  • Asking your healthcare provider if prescribed medication, treatment, and a nutritional suggestion are using studies involving women. 
When we demand equal health care, we will see progress.


Here at Assuaged, we encourage the plant-based lifestyle for the well-being and the health of our readers and the environment. If you have any questions about making a dietary transition, feel free to contact us! We love supporting the growth and wellness of others.


It is time for equality in women's health!



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