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Student Blog


Maya Coleman

Maya Coleman

Assuaged, Inc.

Public Health Intern

Blessed Day! My name is Maya Coleman, a health sciences student, from the sunshine state! I’m currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree with a concentration in public health in paradise at Florida Atlantic University! Go Owls! My anticipated graduation is in the summer of 2023.

Prior to attending FAU, I wasn’t well aware of the society of health professionals designated to public health promotion. It was the completion of a health promotion course that increased my knowledge, as well as peaked my curiosity. It drove me to pursue health sciences as my major and remodeled my perception of healthcare services outside of facilities.


The 21st century has created new norms for all of our daily activities. Now healthcare can be provided through apps on smartphones, making care accessible 24/hours. Remedies and holistic approaches to medicine are shared and embodied with others around the world! Over large platforms like youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and others.


My career goal is to represent the healthcare industry over these platforms. Promoting healthcare on a global scale, using platforms that many people use daily. Not only making it accessible but creating a user-friendly approach to healthcare. Extending expectancy for generations to come!