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Student Blog



Edith Carmona

Assuaged Foundation Inc.

Public Health Intern

Hello, beautiful people! My name is Edith Carmona, and I am thrilled to embark on my journey with the Assuaged Foundation as a Public Health intern. Iโ€™m pursuing a Health Management AS and a Health Informatics JSC at Bakersfield College. I am highly motivated to learn new skills to help me gain digital literacy and so much more. The knowledge and experiences that I will learn here at Assuaged will help me provide better public health services, providing meaningful change within my community.

My professional background in the health industry is merely fresh, or just nonexistent at this point. I have an intense desire to help people in my community in all aspects of their lives. I would like to create educational programs for the youth and elderly, who are unaware of community resources and lack the knowledge of better, healthier habits. A healthier community is a happier community.

Iโ€™m eager to expand my knowledge in health research and project coordination while engaging in community outreach. I am convinced that public health is everyone's responsibility; everyone is capable of making a change to public health, starting at home, starting with you. Change begins with understanding the need to improve ourselves. How can I help you if I donโ€™t know how to help myself first? Love yourself first, then love the world after.