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Anjali Patel

Assuaged, Inc.

Public Health Intern

Hi, my name is Anjali Patel. I am from Chicago, Illinois, where I completed my master’s in public health at Benedictine University. I also hold a BS in Health Systems Management from Loyola University Chicago and enjoyed my time there. I am working in a corporate at Ulta Beauty as a pricing specialist. During my earlier years, I enjoyed learning about pricing through medical products and working for a large manufacturer of medical products, all of which are seen in hospitals. Taking a bold leadership position, analyzing/manipulating data, and critical thinking have been striking features of my working style. In team and individual settings, I strongly believe in learning and sharing my knowledge with my colleagues. My motto in life has always been, “Knowledge parted is knowledge gained.” Healthcare is a passion of mine, and being able to work with data that can be impactful to hospitals, research, or companies is a strength I continue to levy. I believe that I excel in biostatics, health research, and policy management. Digital healthcare is also another subject that creates a big impact in healthcare and is an interest of mine. I would like to assist anyone in making a better impact and continuing to grow. In my free time, I like to go hiking, travel, and read inspiriting literature.