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Flaxseed: The Mighty Miracle Seed!



Introduction to Flaxseed- The Mighty Miracle Seed!

Humans have used flax seeds for years in food and medicine, But recently, flax seeds have been called a superfood and functional food. People with heart ailments often struggle to maintain medication, diet, and exercise routines to keep themselves within the healthy domain.


Various superfoods help reduce the burden of diseases and their co-morbidities when followed religiously. However, it is hard not to try out the recent findings surrounding health conditions as everyone wants to live a better version of themselves.[1] [2]


One power-packed superfood that has been surviving in the market for more than a decade is Flax seed.



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What are Flaxseeds?


Flax seeds are nutrient-rich seeds that contribute to improved health. They are frequently used as toppings in baked goods like artisan bread and muffins.


They have recently also evolved into Vegan's favorite seed. In addition to being used in smoothies and baked goods, they are known to be utilized for treating a variety of health concerns because they are high in omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants.


The oil industry has been using the seed for a while. Flaxseeds have many uses since they have a great nutritional profile.[2] It is also frequently discovered in several upscale health products, masquerading as an alluring active ingredient.


It has recently become more prevalent on the market and is of paramount nutritional relevance. It claims to demonstrate the health advantages of treating various health issues.[3]


It is often referred to as a functional food since it claims to prevent particular ailments. It has been recognized as an influential superfood in dietary interventions and pharmacological therapies for quite some time. 

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Why are Flaxseeds so Good?


Clinically, they include significant amounts of insoluble and soluble fiber and a few essential fatty acids. The digestive system and high cholesterol levels may be impacted by these. Numerous research back up the beneficial effects of flax seed in lowering irritable bowel syndrome symptoms and alleviating constipation.[3][4]


Flax seeds include a variety of unique polyphenols that make them rich in antioxidants as well. And last but not least, they have few calories. They assert that they have a beneficial impact on brain development because of the substantial amount of omega-3 fatty acids in them, which assist in maintaining healthy cell membranes, aid in brain development, and support healthy skin. 


Additionally, patients with hypertension and dyslipidemia who primarily depended on therapeutic strategies for managing their diseases have had excellent effects with dietary flax seed intake. It promotes cardiovascular health by bringing down blood pressure, lowering triglyceride levels, and increasing blood vessel elasticity.


According to research, they are anti-inflammatory and may help reduce the risk of cardiac problems. Furthermore, flaxseeds include some phytoestrogen content, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant characteristics for ovarian, breast, and colon cancers. Because they contain the bioactive substance lignan, they are unique in that they may reduce the risk of developing cancer cells. [5][6]


It also helps to balance the hormone estrogen and thus aids in showing protective effects against developing hormone-related cancers.

Because of the expense, it can be challenging for many people to stick to a consistent medication schedule. It consequently turns into one of the frequent causes of falling off the wagon. Superfoods are a fantastic way to supplement your diet and lessen your risk of developing diseases. 

Who should consume Flaxseeds?


 Due to its cholesterol-lowering and blood pressure-lowering qualities, it is clinically beneficial to heart disease patients as it supports improved heart health. Numerous studies show that including dietary flaxseeds in an individual's diet significantly lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol.


We have recently read about the fantastic effects of fiber-rich diets in treating various medical conditions. Due to their abundant soluble and insoluble fiber, flax seeds are a dependable natural remedy for constipation. They additionally aid people with diabetes in maintaining blood sugar levels.[5]


By delaying the absorption of food in the digestive tract, they aid in gradually releasing insulin levels in the blood. As fiber controls overeating and indicates fullness, it also aids in weight management. Recent studies have supported the advantages of flaxseed for easing PCOS symptoms. Hence, flaxseeds also potentially exist in the seed cycling treatment for PCOD.


The right amount to consume Flaxseeds

People can consume a few tablespoons every day to help them meet their dietary fiber and omega-3 fatty acid requirements.


It promotes protecting the health of the hair, nails, and skin. Studies have also shown that eating flaxseeds daily for 12 weeks helped with constipation symptoms, particularly regarding stool consistency.[4] 

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How to consume Flaxseeds?


Flax seeds are simple to consume. Both the whole and the coarsely ground form are available. Before grinding or storing the whole seed, it is advised to lightly roast the seeds because cold-pressed flaxseed oils have a shorter shelf life.


Additionally, because there is a high risk of rancidity, care should be taken when storing the ground flaxseed meal in an airtight container. Whole seeds have more fiber than ground seeds in terms of nutrition.


It could be easily used as a topping in bread, muffins, porridge, or yogurt. It may readily be included in flatbread and tortilla doughs as a thickening ingredient for batters and pasta sauces.



Should we be careful with Flaxseed consumption?


Flax seeds should be roasted before eating because they contain phytic acid, which may inhibit some minerals from being absorbed. Rancid flaxseed powder can taste and smell bad if accidentally consumed. [4][7]




Choosing a healthy plant-based and vegan diet is most beneficial when it comes to:

  • Higher levels of energy;

  • Improved sleep;

  • Aids in energy and overall happiness;

  • Provides a sense of comfort and relief;

  • Could prevent major diseases such as obesity and diabetes;

  • Accomplish weight-loss and management; and

  • Improves mental and cognitive functioning.

There are really no excuses not to try healthier habits in your everyday life. If you are a man or woman looking for specific benefits of adopting healthier habits or just want to know about the general healing properties of herbs. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!

Also feel free to share any of your favorite recipes to make and share it with the Assuaged community on our ➡️ Share A Recipe ⬅️ page!



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Jayashree Salian

Jayashree Salian

Jayashree Salian, I am an MPH candidate with a rural health concentration with enriched experience in digital therapeutics for lifestyle disease management.

Ignoring Your Health Is Just As Bad As Ignoring Your Mother

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