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Effective Plant-Based Strategies to Improve Digestive Problems


Digestive problems can significantly impact our daily lives, causing discomfort and affecting overall well-being. Fortunately, nature offers numerous plant-based solutions to alleviate these issues and promote better digestion. In this article, we present ten evidence-based strategies that harness the power of plants to address digestive problems effectively. Incorporate these tips into your diet and experience the transformative benefits of improved gut health.

  1. Embrace Fiber-Rich Foods

    Incorporating fiber-rich foods into your diet is an incredibly effective way to improve digestion and promote overall gut health1. Fiber acts as a natural cleanser for the digestive system, helping to regulate bowel movements and prevent constipation. Not only does it add bulk to the stool, making it easier to pass through the intestines, but it also provides a wide range of essential nutrients1.





    When it comes to fiber, plant-based foods are the optimal choice. Fruits like apples, bananas, and berries are not only delicious but also packed with fiber. Whether enjoyed as a snack, added to smoothies, or used to top off your morning oatmeal, these fruits provide a delectable way to boost your fiber intake. Additionally, vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and leafy greens are excellent sources of fiber and can be incorporated into meals as side dishes, salads, or stir-fries1.

    Whole grains like oats, quinoa, and brown rice are another fantastic source of fiber. By substituting refined grains with these healthier alternatives, you can boost your fiber intake and support the health of your digestive system. Legumes, including beans, lentils, and chickpeas, are not only rich in fiber but also provide a significant amount of protein. Adding them to soups, stews, or salads can create a satisfying and fiber-rich meal2.

    By embracing these fiber-rich plant-based foods, you can improve the health of your digestive system and enjoy the transformative benefits of enhanced gut health.

  2. Consume Probiotic-Rich Foods

    Probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria, play a vital role in aiding digestion and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. By incorporating fermented plant-based foods such as sauerkraut, kimchi, tempeh, and miso into your diet, you can naturally enhance the diversity of your gut flora, leading to improved digestion3.



    Sauerkraut is a fantastic source of probiotics, as well as vitamins C and K, and fiber. Kimchi is also packed with probiotics, vitamins, and minerals. Tempeh not only provides probiotics but also offers protein, vitamins, and minerals. Lastly, miso acts as a probiotic powerhouse and adds a unique umami flavor to various dishes.

    Furthermore, for those following a vegan or dairy-free diet, there are plant-based alternatives available such as coconut milk yogurt or almond milk yogurt. These alternatives also contain beneficial bacteria and serve as excellent options for incorporating probiotics into your plant-based diet.

    By embracing these probiotic-rich plant-based foods, you can support the health of your gut and naturally improve digestion. Enjoy the diverse flavors and benefits that these fermented foods have to offer, and enhance your overall well-being in the process.

  3. Incorporate Digestive Enzymes


    Natural enzymes like bromelain and papain, which are naturally found in pineapples and papayas, play a vital role in breaking down proteins and can provide relief from symptoms of indigestion and bloating. Bromelain possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Additionally, it improves gastric motility, facilitating the efficient breakdown of food4. On the other hand, Papain helps break down proteins into smaller, more easily digestible molecules5.

    Including these enzyme-rich plant-based foods in your diet can significantly enhance your body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients. You can easily incorporate them into your daily routine by adding them to smoothies or enjoying them as a refreshing addition to your salad. 

  4. Drink Herbal Teas

    Additionally, incorporating herbal teas such as chamomile, fennel, and licorice root teas into your daily routine not only offers delightful flavors but also provides numerous benefits for digestive health. These teas can effectively alleviate digestive issues and promote overall gut health6.



    Chamomile tea is well-known for its soothing properties, making it an excellent option for calming an upset stomach and relieving indigestion. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory effects in the digestive tract, bringing relief from discomfort and supporting improved digestion6.

    Fennel and Licorice root tea are other effective herbal remedies for digestion. Fennel tea possesses carminative properties, which can help reduce bloating, gas, and abdominal cramps. Licorice root tea, on the other hand, contains compounds that have been found to reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, making it beneficial for conditions such as acid reflux and ulcers. Additionally, Licorice root tea helps to soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines, promoting a healthy digestive system6

    By incorporating these herbal teas into your daily routine, you can indulge in their soothing and healing properties while nurturing your digestive health. Whether you prefer to savor them steaming hot or icy cold, these plant-based beverages provide a natural and invigorating means to elevate your overall sense of well-being. 

  5. Prioritize Gut-Nourishing Foods



    To promote optimal digestion and overall well-being, it is crucial to prioritize gut-nourishing foods in addition to incorporating fiber-rich foods and probiotics into your plant-based diet. It is equally important to include prebiotic-rich foods in your plant-based meals. Prebiotics, a type of dietary fiber, act as nourishment for the beneficial bacteria in your gut. By supporting the growth and proliferation of these good bacteria, prebiotic-rich foods contribute to a healthier gut microbiome. Foods like garlic, onions, asparagus, and bananas are excellent sources of prebiotics and should be regularly incorporated into your meals.

    By prioritizing these foods, you can create an optimal environment for the thriving of beneficial bacteria in your gut. This, in turn, will enhance digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and support overall gut health. Make these foods a staple in your plant-based diet and experience the transformative benefits of a healthy gut.

  6. Harness the Power of Aloe Vera

    Aloe vera has long been recognized for its remarkable soothing properties and its ability to promote a healthy digestive system. The gel of the aloe vera plant contains compounds that have been found to alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal conditions such as acid reflux and ulcers7. By incorporating aloe vera juice or gel into your daily routine, you can harness the incredible power of this plant to support your digestive health.



    For centuries, aloe vera has been used as a natural remedy for digestive issues. It is believed to possess potent anti-inflammatory properties that can effectively reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, providing much-needed relief from discomfort and promoting better digestion. Additionally, aloe vera has been found to help soothe the lining of the stomach and intestines, creating a healthy environment for optimal digestion8.

    To incorporate aloe vera into your diet, you can consume it in the form of juice or gel. Aloe vera juice is readily available in health food stores and can be enjoyed on its own or mixed with other juices for a refreshing beverage. Aloe vera gel can be added to smoothies, mixed with yogurt, or used as a delightful topping for desserts.

    When selecting aloe vera products, it is crucial to prioritize high-quality, organic options to ensure that you are reaping the maximum benefits. Look for products made from pure aloe vera gel without any added sugars or artificial ingredients.

  7. Opt for Peppermint and Ginger

    Incorporating peppermint and ginger into your plant-based diet can be an effective way to support your digestive health. These two herbal remedies have a long history of use for their soothing and healing properties, making them excellent choices for promoting optimal digestion and overall gut health.



    Peppermint is widely recognized for its ability to alleviate symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and gas9. It contains menthol, which helps relax the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in smoother digestion and relief from discomfort9. Peppermint also possesses antispasmodic properties that can reduce cramping and improve bile flow, aiding in the digestion of fats9. You can enjoy peppermint tea after a meal or incorporate fresh peppermint leaves into your salads or smoothies for a refreshing and digestive-boosting twist.

    Similarly, ginger has been used as a natural remedy for various digestive issues for centuries. It contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties10. These compounds can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, alleviate nausea, and improve overall digestion10. Ginger can be consumed as a tea, added to stir-fries or soups, or grated and used as a flavorful spice in various dishes.

    By including peppermint and ginger in your plant-based diet, you can harness the power of these herbal remedies to support your digestive health. Their soothing and healing properties can help alleviate common digestive problems and promote a healthy gut. So, the next time you're seeking a natural way to enhance digestion, consider incorporating peppermint and ginger and experience the transformative benefits they offer.effective-plant-based-strategies-to-improve-digestive-problems-Jun-29-2023-04-21-58-5895-AM

In conclusion, by incorporating these seven plant-based strategies into your daily routine, you can naturally enhance your digestive health and find relief from common issues such as bloating, indigestion, and irregular bowel movements. By adding fiber-rich foods, probiotics, digestive enzymes, and other plant-based remedies to your diet, you can optimize the health of your gut and improve your overall well-being. Embrace these tips to nourish and transform your digestive system and experience the incredible benefits of a healthy gut.

Choosing a healthy plant-based and vegan diet is most beneficial when it comes to:

  • Higher levels of energy;

  • Improved sleep;

  • Aids in energy and overall happiness;

  • Provides a sense of comfort and relief;

  • Could prevent major diseases such as obesity and diabetes;

  • Accomplish weight-loss and management; and

  • Improves mental and cognitive functioning.

There are really no excuses not to try healthier habits in your everyday life. If you are a man or woman looking for specific benefits of adopting healthier habits or just want to know about the general healing properties of herbs. Please remember to comment or post any health questions, or contact us directly!

Also feel free to share any of your favorite recipes to make and share it with the Assuaged community on our ➡️ Share A Recipe ⬅️ page!



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Tolulope Adebile

Tolulope Adebile

Hello! My name is Tolulope Adebile and I am excited to be a part of Assuaged! I am a graduate student at Georgia Southern University, studying Public Health (Biostatistics Concentration).

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