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COVID-19 How to Practice Safety First


Problem Overview

America spends 3.5 trillion dollars annually on preventable illnesses. Four hundred billion dollars of these funds are allocated towards those living with a disability.


Chronic disease is a widespread commonality that is affecting millions of people worldwide.


The cost of health insurance is comparable to the model utilized in car insurance. The rates depend on the driver’s responsibility by having minimal to zero at-fault automobile accidents.


Health insurance works similarly, such as weighing a patient’s condition, medical history, pre-existing conditions, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking, and abuse of prescription medications.



Individuals are encouraged to take precautionary measures to continuously improve and protect their health by incorporating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, seeds, healthy oils, and ancient grains in their diet.


Heavily processed foods, including but not limited to chips, boxed goods, white flour, sea salt, granulated sugar, and microwavable dinners, offer no health benefits and only advance disease.


Furthermore, there are contaminants in our food and water supplies that inevitably advance disease. There have been several recalls issued by the USDA, warning consumers about raw poultry and meat products that are contaminated.

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Solution >> Coronavirus Preparation and Precautions <<

Many people have transitioned to plant-based eating and organics in efforts to improve their overall health. Government institutions such as the DMV have made efforts to educate people about eating healthy by sharing cooking recipes on the television screens during DMV wait times.


Healthy eating, physical exercise, and a sanitary living environment are the three most important forms to ensure optimal health.


Despite the progression of disease among many populations, people are becoming more educated and aware of making better choices.


Fast food restaurants may be an affordable choice for quickly made food, but there is no nutrition in these types of foods, and they advance disease. These foreign foods and unrecognizable by the human body, and they feed disease.  


While there are ongoing efforts to educate and raise impactful awareness, contractionary media reports and false news have confused people to the point of distrust.



Currently, the Coronavirus has affected all states and is running rampant in Washington, California, and New York states. These are ports and gateways to other countries, which explains why the disease has spread more in these regions than others.


Many are concerned that the media are overhyping the seriousness of this disease.

Prevention is Better than Cure card with sky background


The COVID-19 disease originated from China with claims relating to residents consuming raw meat (bats) who were infected by the Coronavirus. The country china heavily consumes raw animals and insects due to their live-animal market.


While it is improbable to die from COVID-19, several reports claim that people affected by this disease are those with disabilities, the elderly, and children with weak immunity.


Unsanitary conditions often cause the spread of disease; therefore people are encouraged to limit their interactions with others until the COVID-19 is controlled. Online ordering and staying at home have been encouraged by state officials across the U.S.


Additionally, there have been claims that monthly rent and mortgage payments will be paused until containment has been reached. The use of hand sanitizer and washing the hands are essential to maintain cleanness.


There have been several reports of individuals gouging hand sanitizer, tissues, and wipes on eBay, Amazon, and even between friends on Venmo. While this is unacceptable, we can positively pay it forward by sharing what we can with each other.


Additionally, there are ways to make hand sanitizer at the safety of your home using Aloe Vero gel and Rubbing Alcohol and then mixing the two ingredients together.


Ongoing Research


While there have been concerns as to the validity of current research and how it contradicts previous studies, ongoing research is continuously conducted in efforts to discover new avenues to aid in disease prevention.


People are becoming more understanding and appreciative as reliable emerging studies continuously surface.


Image Credits: Daniel Páscoa and Alexis Mora Angulo via Unsplash



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Cynthia Cherise Murphy

Cynthia Cherise Murphy

Cynthia Cherise Murphy is a distinguished multi-entrepreneur, with a track record of founding and growing two thriving enterprises, Assuaged Foundation and Be Your Highest. As an expert in marketing, Cynthia employs her substantial business development acumen to lead various initiatives. Armed with dual Master’s Degrees in Psychology and Public Health, her scholarly achievements are formidable. She is on the verge of completing her PhD in Business and Marketing, underscoring her unwavering commitment to academic pursuit. Driven by a mission to promote social change, Cynthia utilizes her expanding student network to empower underprivileged groups. By advocating for and creating pathways to vital resources, fundamental rights, and life-enhancing opportunities, she strives to improve the circumstances of marginalized communities. Cynthia's exceptional leadership, passion for social justice, and commitment to collaboration make her an influential advocate for change and a catalyst for progress in the world of entrepreneurship.

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